Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Resume Tips If You Are Over Age 40

Resume Tips If You Are Over Age 40 You may have worked in the same industry for 20 or more years or may have switched industries several times. Perhaps your company laid off a multitude of employees and you were included in the last round. Orâ€"maybe you are now returning to the workplace after caring for your children for many years. Whatever the caseâ€"you are over the age of 40 and looking for a new job. Where do you start? And, has anything changed since you last job searched? When getting ready for the job search, the first thing you need to do is brush-up your resume. And, the answer is YESâ€"the job search is entirely different than the last time you may have sought a new opportunity. Fortunately, since I started writing resumes in 2008, my client base has definitely led me to clients that are more experienced in the workplace. Andâ€"those are the clients that I LOVE to work with on a daily basis. Because of this clientele, I’ve developed a free download that SPECIFICALLY targets job seekers over the age of 40. There are specific tips that I KNOW make a difference when you develop your new resume. You will find the tips below…however; if you want the FULL information, then click HERE to download the PDF. Tip #1 â€" Get Organized Tip #2 â€" Decide on a Format Tip #3 â€" Remember the ATS Tip #4 â€" Lose the Objective Tip #5 â€" Add a Skills Section Tip #6 â€" List Varying Experiences Tip #7 â€" Discuss Achievements Tip #8 â€" Community Engagement Tip #9 â€" Consider Adding Testimonials Tip #10 â€" Think About Dates Want more information and a BONUS about formatting your resume? Click HERE to download the entire PDF! P.S. Remember I ALWAYS offer free resume reviews just contact me today!

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