Sunday, December 29, 2019

What you should do after paying off debt

What you should do after paying off debtWhat you should do after paying off debtCongratulations You paid off some or all of your debt I bet it felt like this day would never come. But you stuck to it, you made sacrifices, and you reached your goal. But you might be wondering what you should (or shouldnt) do next. And this point in time is actually really important, because it could determine whether you stay out of debt or whether you end up back in debt later. So here are some basics for what to do now.Stop Using Your Credit CardsIf its credit card debt youve paid off, this is the most important thing to do afterwards. After paying off credit card debt, it can be easy to start racking up that debt again. This is a dangerous cycle to get trapped in. If youve struggled with overspending and credit card debt in the past, do yourself a favor and stop using your credit cards all together.Set up a budgetbased on your income and expenses and use cash or debit only. It might feel limiting o r scary at first, but this will protect you from going back into debt after working so hard to get out of it. If you need to cut up your cards to stop yourself from using them, do it And make sure to remove your credit card information from online shopping portals like Amazon.Keep Your Credit Card Accounts OpenJust because youve paid off your debt and stopped using credit cards doesnt mean you have to close your accounts. The length of your credit history and the credit limit available to you is really helpful to yourcredit score. And your credit score is important when it comes to future financial decisions like buying a car or a home. So even if youre going to stop using your credit cards, keep the accounts themselves open so that they can help improve your credit score. If you dont want the temptation of the cards, cut them up or give them to a trusted friend to lock away. They can be open even if they arent available to youIf youre worried about your credit company closing your account and hurting your credit, set up your credit card to pay for a small recurring payment, like your Netflix account. Be sure to also set up auto-pay so you dont forget about it and get charged late fees and interest This is an easy way to keep your accounts active without actually using them day-to-day.Revisit Your BudgetYou should revisit your budget every couple months or so to make sure its stillworking for you. But this is especially important to do when youve had a big financial change happen. This can be a pay increase, decrease, a new expense, or when youve paid off a debt. Now that youve paid off a portion (or all) of your debt, its a good time to revisit yourbudgetand see how you can adjust things accordingly.Figure out exactly what bills you have to pay each month (andthroughout the year) now that you dont have your debt. If you have another debt that you want to start working to pay off, move the money that welches going towards your past debt to that other debt. Inc reasing the monthly payments will allow you to pay off the debt faster. If you dont have another debt to work towards, decide where you want that money to go. It can be tempting to start spending more, but it will be more rewarding (both financially and emotionally) to align your money with yourvaluesand set yourself up for success later.Allocate That Money Towards Your GoalsNow that youve paid off your debt, you have much more money available to you to use for anything you want. But be careful not to just start spending all of that money every month. Its really easy to start spending the money without thinking about it, but you should stop yourself before you do that. Youve lived without that money while paying off your debt, so what can you put it towards now that will help you? The best opportunity here is to start putting it into savings. This can be an emergency savings account or retirement savings. This is especially important if you havent been able to save for these things up until now. Automate the savings so that you arent tempted to spend the money now that its in your accountThis article welches originally posted on a feminist and financial coach for women. She helps women improve their relationship with money so they can take control of their financial future. She does this through one-on-one financial coaching, workshops, writing, and speaking engagements. She also foundedMoney Circle, which is a safe space for women to talk about money without feeling judged. Its a way to create community and openness around personal finance. Passionate about many issues affecting women,Maggieis a member of theWomens Information Networkand was trained as a salary negotiation facilitator byAAUW.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Report Employees who like their workspace are 16% more productive

Report Employees who like their workspace are 16% more productiveReport Employees who like their workspace are 16% more productiveWhere you work literally is everything. According to a study by Gartner, a research and advisory company, employees who are satisfied with their physical workspace are 16% more productive and 18% more likely to stay with their current company. In fact, workers who like their workspace setup whether its an ergonomic desk, the perfect amount of quiet, or the ability to go somewhere to concentrate when they need to are 30% more attracted to their company over competitors.Its the agile amtsstube that is the office of the future, says Zach Capers, senior content analyst ofGetApp. And that doesnt exactly mean the open office theagile office is a flexible work environment composed of several distinct spaces that meet the needs of various work styles, he says. Essentially, its a space broken up into zones for workers various needs throughout the day be it pl aces for quiet, places for collaboration, places to gather publicly, and so on.It strikes a balance between individual and collaborative spaces that allow employees to work in the manner they prefer, says Capers. This means individual workstations and collaborative desk clumps along with common areas and quiet zones. And hot desking, the next inevitable trend.Think of workspace design agility as the next logical step up from the open office theres still the same increased interaction, but the agile office resolves its most glaring problems, such as distraction and a lack of privacy, says Capers.Its the long-coming evolution of the dreaded chaos of open office life into something more regulated, a place thats saner and more adaptive to more employees needs. And if your company builds a huddle room or a phone booth, you may not even have to take your phone calls outside anymore.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

12 Tips for Dealing With a Boss Playing Favorites - The Muse

12 Tips for Dealing With a Boss Playing Favorites - The Muse12 Tips for Dealing With a Boss Playing FavoritesMy sister-in-law, a lovely woman and former elementary school teacher, once confided in me that all teachers have favorites. The key is not showing it. Judging from the afternoon I spent with her and her class of six-year-olds several years ago, she did an excellent job of hiding her favoritism. I had no idea Curtis was her pride and joy Unfortunately, not everyones so stealthy. Workplace favoritism is real. And it is rough. How can you do your job when your anfhrer is buddy-buddy with your cube-mate and barely friendly to you? Ive had mora than one manager play favorites, and Id say neglect is right up there with rejection in terms of feeling low and worthless. Finding yourself in a position where youre not favored (though, being the star employee isnt without its problems, either)- especially if it limits your success at a company or in a position- is bad news for your caree r. If your supervisor isnt professional enough to put her preferences aside, assuming you and your colleagues are equally competent and diligent, youve got to know how to manage the situation. For help in navigating this tricky workplace scenario, I reached out to several Muse Career Coaches, and their advice is spot-on. 1. Behave NormallyAct as if your anfhrer is not playing favorites. The worst thing to do is react in such a way that puts you on your boss bad side. Assumptions can be deadly While you may believe youre not the favorite team member, that doesnt necessarily make you the least favorite either. Avoid becoming your boss least favorite by reacting negatively to your managers behavior. Avery Blank 2. Improve YourselfThe best you can do with any boss is clarify what he or she expects, do your best to deliver, and get feedback regularly. Focus on doing good work and improving yourself. Bad boss behaviors are usually noticed by others trust that good companies have manageme nt systems in place to catch and correct these situations.Bruce Eckfeldt 3. Self-PromoteUnderstand the unique role you play on the team, and go the extra mile to act professional, thorough, and eingabeaufforderung in all deliveries. Advocate for yourself by requesting meetings, proposing new ideas for the team, and demonstrating respect and appreciation for your boss. Dont allow yourself to get distracted by feelings of neglect, which will only hold you back. Ashley Crouch 4. Take ControlMake your ambitions known to your boss using clear, straightforward communication My intention is to receive a promotion this year. The project Sarah has been assigned to is the type of work Id like to be doing. What can I do to set myself up to be selected for similar assignments in the near future? Melody Wilding 5. Emulate Your BossWhen I was put on a performance improvement plan and felt like my every action was being monitored and judged, I emulated my boss work style as best as possible and ac ted pre-emptively. For example, I worked in sales, and before my boss could ask me how many meetings I had booked for the week, I had already sent her an email letting her know what my week looked like. Rajiv Nathan 6. Toss Aside EmotionWhen a boss plays favorites, it usually strikes an emotional chord in us. Emotions cloud our vision- especially in the workplace. Take your emotional blinders off, and strategically evaluate the favorite to see if theres anything he or she is doing exceptionally well that you too can implement. No one said a boss cant have more than one favorite. Melody Godfred 7. Build the RelationshipContinue to do excellent, high-quality work and build a relationship with your boss. Work on building a rapport and be confident in your abilities without needing someone elses constant approval. Anna Runyan 8. Find a ratgeberMentors can help you explore other avenues within the organization and find the best fit for your skill set. And, if your mentor can relate, he o r she can hopefully guide you toward honing in on your skills, and coach you on how to best get noticed by your boss and other leaders within the organization.Allison Tatios 9. Take the High RoadBadmouthing the boss or your co-workers wont help and could make matters worse. Any signs of anger or bitterness will reflect badly on you. If there are projects or assignments that interest you, take the time to speak to your supervisor about why you should take them on, instead of stewing in the less-than-ideal situation. Heidi Ravis 10. Maintain a Neutral AttitudeBe consistent about performing at your best with a neutral attitude (you dont want to be desperate or a brown-noser). Find a point of connection (e.g., shared personal interests, things in common), and try to cultivate it to generate more favorable attention, help you stand out, and, ultimately, improve the situation. Kristina Leonardi 11. Do Your ResearchBefore you discuss the situation with your boss or HR, think carefully abou t whats going on, and consider getting candid feedback from your peers. Why are you being overlooked? What are the other employees doing differently? Dont lose your cool and speak badly about your perceived favorites rather, listen with an open mind so that the conversations leave you with actionable outcomes.Ryan Kahn 12. Ask for a FavorAsk for a small, easy-to-deliver favor. The Benjamin Franklin Effect says that if someone does a favor for you, he or she will feel more favorably toward you as a result. Our brains like to justify our behaviors, so when your supervisor does a favor for you, her subconscious will convince her that she did the favor for you because she likes you. Kindness toward others makes people feel good about themselves as well, so your favor will be a double whammy Shell feel better about herself, and about you. Elena BerezovskyAND IF IT STILL DOESNT GET BETTER?Our coaches can help you plan your next career move.MEET OUR JOB SEARCH COACHES

Saturday, December 14, 2019

12 terrible things that could happen if you dont do your taxes

12 terrible things that could happen if you dont do your taxes12 terrible things that could happen if you dont do your taxesTax seasonis right around the corner.If you dont file and pay your taxes, the things that could happen to you may cause far more than a headache.Julius Green, tax partner and leader ofBaker Tillys tax practice in the Philadelphia region, explained to Business Insider the potential consequences of letting the deadline come and go without filing.Granted, you arent guaranteed to suffer behauptung consequences, and everyones tax situation is different, but here are a dozen terrible things thatcouldhappen if you dont do your taxes.Pay a penalty feeThere are two kinds of not doing your taxes - failing to file and failing to pay. If you fail to file, you get hit with a penalty of 5% of the tax owed, up to five months out, with a minimum penalty of $135, or as much as 100% of the tax owed - whichever is less, Green says. If you dont pay, he continues, youre typically charged a penalty, plus youll have to Pay interestStatutorily, the IRS cant waive interest, explains Green. They want the time value of the money you owe them. If you fail to pay, you may be paying a penaltyplusinterest, which is usually determined by thefederal short-term rate(anywhere from 1%-4%), plus 3%, for a total of 4%-6%.Get notices from the IRSIts probably fair to assume that no one wants mail from the IRS. But if you dont file or dont pay, thats exactly what could happen. The IRS gives you multiple opportunities to get it right, says Green. They have to send you a notice before taking any action, and usually they need a response in 30-60 days. But many people in this situation know its coming, so they panic when they get their notice and shove it in a drawer to deal with when they have the money.But heres the thing Whether you have the money or not, if you dont reach out to the IRS upon receiving a notice, they could start taking action. What kind of action? Well, they can make you Forfeit your refundIt makes sense when you think about it. If you owe the IRS money, the agency is not going to hand over any until you pay. For example, if you didnt file taxes in 2014 and the IRS is after you, but you did file for 2015 and are due a refund, you may never see that money. The IRS could simply hold onto it. They can also make you Give up your Social SecurityThrough whats called the Federal Payment Levy Program, the IRS has the ability to attack certain assets after going through the appropriate notification process, explains Green. While they cant inhibit your ability to earn money, take your work tools, or appropriate certain benefits like those paid to your children, Social Security is one thing they can seize.It sounds technical, but basically, a lien is a claim the IRS makes to your property. This claim, however, isnt another notice you can shove in a drawer. According toIRS Publication 594, a lien is a public declaration of the agencys claim to your pr operty in relation to your other leistungspunktors. Not only may it be filed to employers, landlords, and creditors, but the lien can make you Lose ground on your credit reportAn unpaid debt to the IRS is just like an unpaid debt to anyone else, and it will appear on your credit report. People dont realize that your credit report reflects your tax liens as much as any other outstanding debt, says Green. We wont even pretend that it could be considered good debt.A lien is a claim to your property a levy is the actual taking of it.IRS Publication 594makes it clear that in some cases, the agency can appropriate your house or car, not to mention your income or bank account.They might restrain themselves if its agreed that youre suffering economic hardship, which means their seizure would hinder your ability to meet basic, reasonable living expenses. Plus, the publication reads, If theres money left over from the sale of your assets after paying off your tax debt, well tell you how to ge t a refund. Make of that what you will.Receive a summonsIf the IRS is having trouble sorting out the taxes you owe, you could get a summons - thats a legal requirement to appear - to meet with an IRS officer, and bring appropriate records, documents, and possibly even testify.It wont necessarily be you who is asked to meet with the agency A third party with information relevant to your case, such as a record keeper from a financial institution, could be summoned instead. If the IRS is simply gathering info, youll be informed of the third-party summons, but if its in reference to money its already clear you owe, you might not even find out.Declare bankruptcyLets hope it doesnt come to this. People who might declare bankruptcy are the people who couldnt pay their taxes because they couldnt afford to pay their mortgage or expenses and get caught in a bit of a bind, explains Green. Usually its people who are caught for three or four years not filing, spending the money they didnt pay the IRS on things to try and stay above water.Remember that bankruptcy isnt magic While in certain cases, a tax debt can be discharged, if it has turned into a tax lien, it might not be erased. Instead, clarifies Green, the IRS will generally suspend the debt and seek to collect it after bankruptcy.Serve jail timeWhile jail is unusual for most well-meaning citizens, it is a possibility. If the government deems that youve willfully failed to file or filed fraudulent returns, they could see it as an attempt to defraud the government, says Green. In cases where jail time becomes an issue, you typically see two things a lot of income being hidden from the IRS, and a pattern or some evidence of wrongdoing. Unless youre a dishonest high roller, its unlikely that the IRS will pursue a jail sentence.Deal with the IRS for a decadeDid we mention that the government has the right to pursue unpaid taxes for 10 years? While there are certain appeals and exceptions for individual cases, if youve been a negligent taxpayer (or rather,non-taxpayer) you can look forward to a long and close relationship with the IRS.However, theres hopeThe absolute best thing you can do if youve neglected to file or pay, says Green, is reach out to the IRS immediately. It may seem counterintuitive, but the agency is more likely to look kindly on someone who admits theyre off track and wants to work it out than someone who has been lining the litter box with their notices. You may be able to negotiate a payment plan or even a reduction of the total owed.You shouldnt panic upon getting a notice from the IRS, says Green. There is some recourse, but your options are more limited the longer you wait to engage.This article was originally posted on BusinessInsider.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Resume Template Reddit Explained

Resume Template Reddit Explained Using Resume Template Reddit If you are in possession of a completely free printable resume to compare with, there is a possibility of including all the important details about yourself which you might not have thought about otherwise. You can discover the perfect free resume from among literally hundreds and thousands of potential ones. If youre trying to obtain a new job thats different from what it is that youre accustomed to, you might prefer to look at an absolutely free printable resume which you will have the ability to adopt and modify to your own details. The great thing about an absolutely free leer resume is that youll have the ability to use it like a guideline to make your own resume. For a seasoned person the career highlights are the most crucial location. You have to summarize all your work and any leadership positions you may have filled previously. Thus if youre trying to receive a work ( not only any job, but the job which y ou want), be certain to do things right and learn how to make an outstanding resume. You should also incorporate any appropriate training classes, like a typing training course, you took over the previous three to five decades. In case you choose to incorporate an objective declaration at the initiation of your job application, be sure it describes the direction you need to use your specific skill set to boost or benefit that particular firm. In case you havent already started, nows the opportunity to do your job search. The very first step is to begin working on your resume. Another benefit of employing a resume vorlage is the fact that it aids in following a specific standard. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not indicate a major rewrite, but instead only a few tweaks. No matter which type of work youre searching for, the Gabriella professional resume vorlage is a very good selection. A template is usually utilised to create the necessary information which will be utilized to formulate the final resume and customize he same to fulfill the demands of a work opening. For instance, it includes a skills page at which you can use icons to demonstrate your proficiency in numerous categories. Abstract is free resume template that is meant for your private use. When you compose a work application choose quite a simple format. Task aspirants should be on the lookout for a resume template in place of a courses vitae template. Career aspirants ought to look out for a resume template in lieu of a program load vitae template. If you are looking for a free resume template its probably likely to be in your very best interest to take what you like from a couple of different examples and, create your own customized resume template that youll be in a position to easily merge with your present content. Therefore, when you have a resume template, you dont have to be concerned about standards. In case the template isnt in an appropriate format t here isnt any value of using it. Additionally, employing a resume template are not only going to accelerate the procedure for writing a resume, but in addition help in crafting a professional looking, eye-catching resume. Industry employers want employees which are more than simply an IQ. Usage of effectual titles ought to be considered. When choosing a resume it is much simpler to choose one thats offered in Microsoft Word format for you to customize. Writing a strong application is truly a challenging procedure and wed love to make it simpler. Creating your resume is critical. Creating your resume has never been simpler Developing your resume is important. Creating your resume is essential. In the event the profile of the advertised job matches your qualification and experience then its safe to turn in an application for the exact same. If you would like to get a nice job, you require a good resume. Attempt never to locate a great job whenever youre unemployed. Learn as much as possible regarding the job and the company prior to your interview.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Debate Over Download Resume

The Debate Over Download Resume Resumes dont have to be boring. They do not have to take so much of your time but still should not be neglected. They may be organized in different ways. They provide the all important first impressions to an employer that an applicant cannot give during the earliest phase of the application process. Ok, I Think I Understand Download Resume, Now Tell Me About Download Resume Otherwise, you must change your resume styling. Youd need to do the formatting work yourself. Then it may be time to bring some style to your resume Utilizing a resume template is quite useful in making your professional profile. The Ultimate Download Resume Trick The resume format sample ought to be carried out well. You only have to stick to the format. You may download resume formats which are commonly utilised in the business. Simple resume formats assist you in making your resume. Lots of resume templates and samplesare that can be found on the web and people become confused which one would be far better pick. It is vital for them to assure youve received the instructions for the upcoming steps of application. Picking out the correct resume template is an extremely necessary endeavor. Creating a resume with the assistance of a template can help you become mindful of the resume areas that you have to fill. An enterprise letter is an expert item of correspondence. Your contact information is fundamentally the very first thing your prospective employer will see because its in the topmost portion of your resume. A lot of people dont even are conscious of the sorts of resumes out there. Possessing a detailed contact information listing may give your prospective employer more options about how to get hold of you. The Download Resume Stories You may believe that there are already dozens of free resume building services out there in the internet world. Resume Templates also ensure that you dont miss out any helpful bit of informatio n about yourself which can be important for the firm. Conduct an online search of the sort of resume samples youd love to download. Downloading a number of free resume samples from the Internet can be precisely the thing you should kick-start your resume writing. Use a word doc to produce the sample CV that you can easily edit as and when required. Employing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for numerous reasons. Make a decision as to what kind of resume samples you want to download. Resume samples may give you a clearer idea of how you desire your resume to look, what sort of resume you ought to use and even some examples of sections you might include. The Download Resume Stories There are lots of tactics to compose a resume. Whenever you are asking for work, its mandatory that you submit a resume. For a fresher like you, it is going to be effortless to attain your fantasy job or career if you create an effective and incredible resume that will st ick out from the remainder of applicants. What the majority of men and women dont understand is it to find work, wisdom and experiences arent the only important things.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Top Guide of Resume Personal Statement Examples

Top Guide of Resume Personal Statement Examples The Death of Resume Personal Statement Examples The aim of a branding meinung is to decide on a candidate besides the competition whilst also successfully positioning themselves to reach their very own distinctive job search objectives. Lots of people are turned off by contract work, but nevertheless, it can be a simple means to receive your foot in the door. Bear in mind, the most important goal for your own personal anschauung is for it to further your work search. A bachelors degree in accounting or a different appropriate subject is required to be a Tax Accountant, and employers wish to observe the extra 30 hours which are needed in order to find CPA credentials on applicants resumes. The applicant managed to mention important qualifications in just a few sentences. Its definitely important to compose a personal statement for all the accounting applicants. Education and qualifications are an essential parte of your private s tatement, especially if youre a junior candidate. Resume is a type of document employed by individuals that are seeking for employment. Your resume will supply the specifics of your professional experience. Its essential that your private statement is tailored to the circumstance and role. A personal statement is similar to a resume in the shape of statements in place of in bullet points. It is also referred to as a career summary or personal mission statement. All personal statements ought to be tailored to the part in question. Use hyperbolic claims you maynot back up. Both of the above CV personal statement examples will offer you a fantastic idea concerning what you ought to be doing in regards to starting a personal statement for a CV. Putting together a personal statement can be rather daunting as a lot of people find it tough to chat about themselves. Writing a personal statement for a CV is something which is altogether different from a personal statement that was created for an academic program, and it ought to be treated as such. The Meaning of Resume Personal Statement Examples Your own personal statement should be tailored to your unique abilities and achievements. Always remember that it is a reflection of yourself and should align with your own personal goals and experience. It needs to contain enough detail to provide an introduction to your skills and knowledge, but not so much detail that it bores readers. Your objective statement ought to be able to show employers that youve got the skills, expertise, and experience they are searching for in the nurse they want to hire. As soon as you get a solid handle on the work description, you can start writing. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. Like a college essay, your private revenue statement needs to have a layout. 1 A resume summary is a brief, snappy introduction paragraph that offers a summary of your very best work. Resume Personal Statement Examples - What Is It? At any time you have made a statement youve got to do is store it in a safe place on your computer. A personal statement is your opportunity to shine. Your own personal statement should contain something intriguing that could grab the eye of an individual who will read it. In many ways, it is a piece of self-marketing. For those who havent written one before, you should begin by reading our tips about how to compose a personal statement. If it is time to pen your own personal statement, practice that, too. Regardless of what you pick, make certain that you keep it consistent throughout. No matter what it is that youre writing, make sure to sound very positive and enthusiastic.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How Broadway swings memorize every part in a play

How Broadway swings memorize every part in a playHow Broadway swings memorize every part in a playBroadway swings have to memorize the lines, movements, and actions of multiple roles within the show theyre working on. That can be quite daunting.Ladders went to The Peoples Improv Theater and sat down with Jake Keefe and Anna Dart, who are swings on the show Puffs - a parody play set in the world of wizardry - to find out how they tackle that task and if theyve ever had to go on stage with little to no notice.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

7 Ways to Attract Recruiters and Find the Perfect Job with Social Media

7 Ways to Attract Recruiters and Find the Perfect Job with Social Media 7 Ways to Attract Recruiters and Find the Perfect Job with Social Media If youre looking for work online, there are lots of places where you can start casting your net. Plenty of job binnenseekers are already using unconventional means to get hired 86% of workers who are still within their first decade of employment use or haveused social media to seek out jobs. Recruiters have noticed and are turning to these platforms to find new talent.You need to start using social media yourself to attract recruiters and find the jobs you really want. Here are 7 ways you can use these platforms effectively and show recruiters that youre the person they want to hire.Be aware of how you come across onlineWhen you use social media, youre creating a trail that makes an impression of you. If you apply for jobs online at all, whether using social media or not, recruiters will look into you. That means theyll go through your social media history and check out what youre like a as person.Nows the time to go through your social media feeds and look at what theyre saying about you. Do they project the image of someone whos hard working, go-getting, and ready for a role on that companys roster? If not, start using those edit and delete buttons. However, on the web nothing is ever really gone. When using social media, be thoughtful about what you put online. After all, anyone can see it. Try composing professional statements using Academized or Write My Essayto really get your point across.The same goes for companies, too. Before you apply, go through their social media feeds and see what image theyre projecting. Are they someone you want to work for? When youre unsure of what kind of job you want, Glassdoorcan help you compare companies currently hiring.Use the platforms that your industry is usingThere are many social media platforms out there and youll need to decide which ones youre using for work. This can ve ry much depend on the role and industry youre looking for. For example, if youre looking for roles in visual design, a platform like Instagram or Behance could be the way to go. They can help show off your work and connect you with companies who are hiring.Companies are already trying to be where you are, so it shouldnt be too hard to find them. However, keeping all of these different accounts updated and managed can be tricky. Thankfully, Buffer can help you save time and manage your entire social media presence. Reach your audience on Twitter easily by using TweetDeck to tweet like a pro and stay organized and engaged.Dont be a phonyWhen recruiters are hiring online, they can see through a phony right away. People often feel the pressure to be something theyre not on social media, and its especially true if youre looking for work. Doing this can put recruiters on edge and discourage them from getting in touch. If you cant be honest about who you are, can they really trust you with a role at their company? When you try to be something youre not, its easily spotted and you lose all credibility in what youre saying and offering. Be honest about yourself and youll see much mora success. No matter what youre saying, make sure your writing is coherent and correct, by sourcing the available writing information at State of Writing or Oxessays.Be proactive in your searchIts best to start building relationships with recruiters before any job searching is even on your radar. Then, when youre ready to look, you will have already built a solid relationship that you can leverage into job searching. You can even get creative in your search by locating Twitters highest ranking influencers in your industry using FollowerWonk or Eliteassignmenthelpand working with them to help create a higher level of credibility for yourself. Find the best jobs faster and dramatically improve your sourcing efforts with a helping hand from SourceHub.Look at how companies are perceived by cust omersRemember that as well as companies being able to investigate you, you can investigate them. Look at their company social media pages, and look at the impression theyre making. Do they look like a company that youd want to work with? Customer review sites are an incredible source of information because customers will leave their honest opinions for others, whether they be good or bad. Read what they have to say, and take this all into account before you apply for any roles.Look at what current employees are sayingSocial media can be the best place to find what the current employees of a business feel about working there. You need to have a good idea of the company culture before you apply, both so you know what youre aiming for in your application, and so you know if theyre right for you. Dont be afraid to reach out and ask them whether theyre recommend applying for a position there.Glassdoor employee reviewsalso provide a glimpse of company culture and employee likes and dislik es. Be crystal clearThe more upfront and honest you are from the start, the better. You want recruiters to see exactly who you are and what you can offer them, without any of the waffle that sometimes gets used in job applications. Write your applications and resumes in a way thats unambiguous and clear, but also free of embarrassing errors. Big Assignments and Paper Fellows are two of the most perfect resources to help with editing, so that youre sure there are no errors sneaking through into your applications. For some insight into the world of HR, the HR Capitalist can provide you with information on a variety of topics that are HR related.When using social media to search for jobs, youve got to approach the task slightly differently. These seven tips will help you get the most out of the search, and find the right role for you easily.Gloria Kopp is a digital marketer and an elearning consultant atResumention. She is a contributing author at HuffingtonPost, Template Monster,etc. Besides, Gloria writesStudydemicblog where she shares her experience with students and educators.